Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Driving License

My brother called up in the morning. It was about my driving license.

I first learned that I had lost my driving license two weeks back when my car was towed away. It was an embarassing event. It was towed away from the parking area near our office. Reason: angular parking! A friend was with me to retrieve my car from the tarffic office, near VSNL crossing, Fort. When the traffic policeman asked me to produce my driving license. I gladly took out my wallet where I usually kept. I was about to show it to him when I realised that it was not at all the driving licence, but a telephone booklet!!I ended up paying some fines..that also with a little help from my friends.

Result: I travelled more by public transport. Saved money too. But, with a car around and being without a driving licence is something difficult to bear. So, I called up my brother who is at Aizawl, (since my driving license was issued at Aizawl) gave him my license number and requested him to make a duplicate copy. He said he'll try his best. But, things were not easy as it seems to be. He took longer than I expected. In between, I had to take out my car twice without driving license because of urgent matters. It was quite risky and it was difficult to feel easy while driving.But, I was more careful than ever. With no zooming past the orange light, etc. mine was a well-behaved driving.

So, this morning my brother called me up to tell me that he finally manage to get a duplicate copy. He told me that since they came out with new format, to make a duplicate copy in the old format would be difficult. He tried to persuade them, but in vain. So he asked them if he pay some amount...then, he got it done. Well, its something like...its all about money, honey. Whatever be the case, it looks like I'm going to drive peacefully once again!


Anonymous said...

Hi Maruat,

Nice blog you have here.
It's really true that it is a moneyed world now. Before it used to be "where there is a there is a way", now it's more like "where there is money there is a way".

Anyways, here's to a safe and long driving to you.

Maruata said...

Thanks James. Thats really true.Have a pleasant evening!

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