Thursday, September 28, 2006
Preparing for Delhi Trip
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
David's Birthday

David's Birth Day
Originally uploaded by Maruata.
On Sunday, after the Church service, we went to David's place. We were Zautea Saiawi and his wife Babie, Kawlnii, Upa C.Samuela, David Sinate and his wife Sarah, their 3 kids -Joshua, Samuel & Daniel-, Puii and Ruth (not in the picture) and me. Zautea mentioned that the next day i.e. September 25 was David's birthday. Hearing that, we planned to have a birthday-eve celebration. Zautea bought a cake and Pi Sarah (David's wife) prepared dinner for all of us. After cake cutting and photo sessions, Pu Samuela (extreme left) prayed for David. We had a nice time there.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Melody came over..

Melody & Maruata
Originally uploaded by Maruata.
My childhood next -door neighbour. Its more than 10 year since I last saw her. And things had changed a lot. Though I was pretty busy in the offiice and had to stay back late, I'm glad we could find time to talk about our childhood days. She's presently working with one Christian NGO. She came over to my house on Sept 21st. She now on her way to the Netherland to pursue her studies.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
At Dait Chi

At Dait Chi
Originally uploaded by Maruata.
L->R: Dr.Joy Pachuau, Maruata, Mary, Jeremy, Maria, Dr.Machhana, Apuii, Zizi (Samuel), Thari
Friday, September 15, 2006
With old JNU Friends@New Delhi

Dait Chi Restaurant South Ex-2
Originally uploaded by Maruata.
September 1, 2006: I met my old JNU friends at New Delhi after four years. It was a kind of reunion. We could find time to have a talk over lunch before I returned to Mumbai. We were - Joy, Maria, Samuel (Zizi), Apuii & Tharpuii. Zizi's sister Mary and his son Jeremy and Apuii's husband Machhana joined us too. Maria is now teaching at LSR College and Tharpuii teaches at Dayal Singh College. Both these colleges are under Delhi University. Zizi passed out from IIM-Kozhikode and is now working at one private firm and Joy L.Pachuau is Asst.Proffesor at JNU. Apuii is now in State Civil Service and her husband, Machhana is a doctor.